A.J. Schall Jr.
Crisis Management Leader
Specialties & Interests

Emergency Management
Director and Homeland Security Advisor managing statewide emergency management planning and operations. Responsible for statewide continuity of operations planning inclusive of emergency management, homeland security, and disaster management

fire service
Acted as Chief of Department managing a 40 square mile district that responded to over 10,000 calls per year while managing combination staff of over 100

private sector
Private sector banking executive, managed business relationships with industry-leading financial institutions. Managed contract negotiations, new product launches, project management, and management development programs aimed at business development and customer satisfaction.
A.J. Schall Jr. became the Director of the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) in 2015 and was also named the Homeland Security Advisor. Schall brings a background in public safety to the agency, complementing it with emergency management and corporate experience.
Director Schall graduated from Marmion Military Academy in Aurora, Illinois, and then attended St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. He was Student Government President and in 1998 received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance. Upon graduation, Director Schall began his professional career with Bank of America, where he completed a rigorous management development program. He held multiple positions, negotiated key contracts, and has nearly two decades of experience in upper level management.
Director Schall has also been actively engaged in the front lines of emergency response serving as the Chief of the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company (Newark, DE) for multiple years, and currently holding the office of Deputy Chief. Since becoming Director, DEMA has facilitated multiple State of Emergencies, and launched an UAV program. Notable accomplishments of 2019 are revitalization of the Mitigation Program and the Agency’s first Accreditation through the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).
Schall has lived in Delaware since 1998 and is the proud father of two sons.
People to Watch: A.J. Schall
Dec 2020: A year ago, it might have been unlikely that the head of Delaware’s emergency management agency would be named as someone to watch for the year ahead. But the COVID-19 pandemic has upended any sense of normalcy in the First State.