Debt Limit
From the Homeland Security Digital Library: a targeted, librarian-selected list of foundational, recently-released, or potentially important resources related to the federal debt limit.
From the Homeland Security Digital Library: a targeted, librarian-selected list of foundational, recently-released, or potentially important resources related to the federal debt limit.
This course is a study of the contemporary debate on globalization and its relevance in the context of homeland security. Students will examine a number
Creating Commercial Sustainable Agriculture in an East Coast City. By Jackson Nickerson. Includes the case and a teaching plan.
A collection of reports focused on the nation’s households’ inability to “provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy life” (Feeding America).
Food Insecurity in America More
In his PrepTalk, Kevelighan shares the pivotal role that insurance plays in people’s lives and communities, both before and after a disaster. “What happens when
Understanding the Value of Insurance More
This module provides a roadmap to understanding the concept of urbanization. Open in new window Resource List These resources provide a base knowledge and a
This module provides a roadmap to understanding primary drivers of change in the space, both through commercialization and national security. open in new window Resource
Major Economies Confront Shrinking Workforce More
This module provides a roadmap to understanding the relationship between the expanding global middle class and its impact on environmental stress and consumption trends, urbanization,
Growth of Global Middle Class More
This module provides a roadmap to understanding the impact of drought on economic development, both domestically and globally. open in new window Resource List These
Drought Constrains Economic Development More
This module provides a roadmap to understanding trends that have led to underfunding of infrastructure maintenance, potential impacts to the nation’s critical infrastructure systems, and
Challenges in Infrastructure Funding More
This module provides a roadmap to understanding the relationship between population growth (or reduction) in countries, environmental impact of development, changing religious demographics, urbanization, demographic
Asymmetric Population Growth More