Regional Powers Attaining Global Influence

This module provides a roadmap to understanding the shifting international system and changing role of regional powers.

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Resource List

These resources provide a baseline of understanding, but as the international landscape continues to evolve, new data will become available.


Recent Publications and Journal Articles:

  • Emerging Powers and Global Governance: Whither the IMF?: This article describes the increasing power and influence of regional powers Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It speculates on the implications for the global system.
    • Citation: Mohan, Rakesh, and Muneesh Kapur. Emerging Powers and Global Governance: Whither the IMF? Working paper. International Monetary Fund, 2015. Accessed March 2017.
  • How to Compare Regional Powers: Analytical Concepts and Research Topics: This paper discusses criteria and characteristics of regional powers as well as their international role. It provides a basic overview of regional powers while also addressing their role in the changing international system.
  • Brazil’s Global Ambitions: This Brookings article details the growing influence of Brazil and the challenges it faces as an increasingly powerful yet still notably impeded international actor.
  • The Influence of Regional Power Distributions on Interdependence: This paper addresses several hypotheses concerning the dynamic between regional hegemons and international trade.
  • Brazil as a Regional Power: Views from the Hemisphere: This report present multiple perspectives on the role of Brazil both within the region and the world.
    • Citation: “Brazil as a Regional Power: Views from the Hemisphere”. Rep. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholar.
  • The Roles of Regional Security Institutions in the Era of Power Shift: The Implications for Japan-China Relations: This articles examines regional security issues within Asia and the roles and attitudes of Japan and China within this dynamic.


  • Regional Powers and Security Orders: A Theoretical Framework: The authors explore the definition of a regional power and how such a power can influence international security issues.
    • Citation: Stewart-Ingersoll, Robert, and Derrick Frazier. “Regional Powers and Security Orders: A Theoretical Framework”. London: Routledge, 2012.

These materials were developed as an initiative of the Advanced Thinking in Homeland Security (HSx) curriculum at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security.

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