Personal, Organizational, and Community Resilience

Date: April 29, 2020

In Part 2 of this two-part series, this webinar focused on strategies to maximize resilience for ourselves, our organizations, and our communities. Dr. Jackson Nickerson, Subject Matter Expert, Center for Homeland Defense and Security and Frahm Family Professor of Organization and Strategy, Washington University, discusses how to make good decisions, apply brain science, and remain resilient in the stress of a global pandemic. Then David Kaufman, Subject Matter Expert, Center for Homeland Defense and Security and Vice President and Director, Safety and Security, CNA, delve into lessons learned from community resilience and preparing for a “new normal.”

Recorded Webinar:


Glen Woodbury, Moderator
Director, CHDS

Dr. Jackson Nickerson
Subject Matter Expert, Center for Homeland Defense and Security and Frahm Family Professor of Organization and Strategy, Washington University

David Kaufman
Subject Matter Expert, Center for Homeland Defense and Security and Vice President and Director, Safety and Security, CNA

Partners: Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

More from the CHDS EEP Webinar Series →

INQUIRIES: Dawn Wilson, EEP Director |

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