Governmental Decision-Making During a Pandemic

Decisions are being made every day to close and re-open the economy. Travel restrictions are in place in some areas but not in others, beaches are opening and/or ordered closed, barbershops and floral shops are on different re-opening schedules, and orders have been issued and rescinded about wearing masks in public. Who gets to decide and why? This webinar discusses the power held at the federal, state, and local level for each of these decisions, how the power is being exercised, and the impact these decisions have on first responders and the people they serve.

Recorded Webinar:


John Yoo
Heller Professor of Law,
University of California at Berkeley

Dan Farber
Sho Sato Professor of Law,
University of California at Berkeley
Author of Disaster Law and Policy

Moderator: Eileen Decker
Former Los Angeles Deputy Mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety and
Former U.S. Attorney, Central District of California

More from the CHDS EEP Webinar Series →

INQUIRIES: Dawn Wilson, EEP Director |

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