Part three of the America in Transition series considers what we have learned about how we interact with our environment, and what leaders should know about the ever-changing natural hazard landscape. This conversation explores insights gained from recent natural disasters in the U.S. and considers what leaders need to know when facing ever-growing challenges to resilience in the next several years.
Webinar held Wednesday, December 14
Recorded Webinar:
Natalie Enclade
Former Director of Individual and Community Preparedness, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Roy Wright
Former Deputy Associate Administrator for Insurance and Mitigation,
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Kyle Pfeiffer
Director, Center for Climate Resilience and Decision Science (CCRDS),
Argonne Labs
Moderator: Jonathan Gaddy
Subject Matter Expert,
Center for Homeland Defense and Security
This webinar is held in partnership with the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN), Big City Emergency Managers (BCEM), Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council (GHSAC), International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), International City/County Management Association (ICMA), National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and Foundation, and the CHDS Alumni Association.