Ethics in Crisis: Observations from the Frontlines of COVID-19 with Dr. Sheri Fink

Date: June 10, 2020

Throughout the pandemic, government leaders, health care professionals, and communities around the globe have confronted extraordinary resource allocation questions as the number of critically ill patients grew daily amidst severe shortages of equipment, supplies, staffing and hospital beds. In this webinar, Dr. Sheri Fink, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital, answers questions about her recent experiences as a New York Times medical correspondent in hospitals during the COVID-19 response and discusses ethical dilemmas facing leaders during the crisis.

Webinar Recording:


Glen Woodbury
Center for Homeland Defense and Security

Dr. Sheri Fink
The New York Times

Read the Speaker Bios


This webinar is part of the CHDS Lecture and Webinar Series and is held in partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), and the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and Foundation.

More from the CHDS EEP Webinar Series →

INQUIRIES: Dawn Wilson, EEP Director |

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