The Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) is located at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. Since 2003, CHDS has conducted a wide range of programs focused on assisting current and emerging leaders in Homeland Defense and Security to develop the policies, strategies, programs and organizational elements needed to defeat terrorism and prepare for and respond to natural disasters and public safety threats across the United States. The programs are developed in partnership with and are sponsored by the National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA.
All CHDS programs are focused on leadership development to transform how public safety officials view an increasingly complex world and homeland security mission. Through graduate- and executive-level coursework, seminars, and research, homeland security leaders gain the analytic and critical thinking skills and substantive expertise they need to create innovative solutions that address the threats facing the nation and local communities. The programs also prepare leaders to bridge gaps in intergovernmental, interagency and civil-military cooperation by bringing together a diverse range of participants to share perspectives and lay the foundation for long-term homeland security collaboration.
VISION: The Center will become the nation’s leading educational institution for the innovation and refinement of highly relevant curricula; the creation of repositories of applicable knowledge; and the national center for the distribution, transfer and exchange of Homeland Defense and Security information and education products.
Program Goals
- Strengthen national capacity for homeland security by advancing the study of homeland security as a substantive field of research, scholarship, and professional discipline.
- Create a “multiplier effect” to maximize federal investment — share program content, research results, and educational resources with organizations across the nation to build national homeland security preparedness through education.