
After nearly four decades, the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Service’s (DSS) Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) had outgrown its original enacting legislation and needed a comprehensive makeover to continue fulfilling its mission of supporting American private sector security issues abroad.


Retired Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Special Operations Chief Craig Cooper endured countless traumatic experiences during his 25-year career and lost many of his fellow first responders to addiction and suicide. Sadly, just one month prior to his retirement Cooper lost a fellow firefighter and U.S. Army veteran to suicide leaving behind a wife and two young children.


Longtime U.S. Border Patrol official Christopher Kuhn is becoming an expert on national security issues involving an increasingly important and active region of the globe, the Arctic. That knowledge took him all the way to Midtown Manhattan in New York City during the confluence of the United Nations General Assembly and his participation on an inter-agency Arctic panel last year.


A pair of CHDS Master’s alums spent more than two years taking on a kind of modern-day equivalent of the Pirates of the Caribbean. U.S. Coast Guard officers Joshua Gilbert and Scott Troutman were chosen to work on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security joint task force charged with degrading transnational crime in the Caribbean basin, especially drug and human trafficking, as well as humanitarian efforts such as irregular migration

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9 months, in-residence 4 times
6 months, in-residence 2 times
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18 months, M.A. in security studies, in-residence 7 times

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